
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Why did you make the characters so small? They should really be much larger and need attention to detail. Not having a single players mode was a poor idea. Create some AI so there is a one player mode.

Space Invaders and Asteroids were both borrowed from to create this flash. Blurring graphics are nice when used once, but you really went overboard using them in this game. Gameplay gets old very quickly. You should add more content and weapon choices.

Hand drawn background is an interesting idea, but the backgrounds need color. Gameplay gets repetitive quickly. There should be more to do and areas to explore. Adding upgrades and different weapons would be a nice touch.

Imitation of Defender an old Atari video game. No points for originality. Graphics are okay, but they could use more razzle dazzle. More weapons choices, attacks and special moves would be helpful.

Telling your players to not click or press keys just feels off for any flash. Gameplay is limited by the lag. You should remove all the slowdown. Next time, you a beta tester to ensure that everything works.

This is an imitation of Time Crisis. Graphics are the best part of this flash. It could use a large variety of weapons, upgrades, and unlockables. When you put your website in this Author's Comments it makes you seem desperate for clicks.

Another Space Invaders imitation. No points for an original idea. Gameplay is hurt by slowdown. You need to remove the lag. When you changed your Username you should have also changed it in the Author Comments.

DBZ has a huge following of fans, so you should have a large audience of people checking out this flash. Graphics on the tutorial are good. If you include more characters to draw this could become Top Notch.

Interactive movie that never makes it to being a game. Graphics are probably the best part of this movie. There is no gameplay at all. Needs action to actually be a video game.

Soundboard featuring Just Pete is just too small. It has 5 sound clips that last 5 seconds or less. You will need to add many more clips just to have an average flash.

This was made on 8/17/06, and I am only the tenth person to review it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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