
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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An interesting twist on the old school video game Frogger. Graphics are nice but could use more polish. It could use more areas to explore and extra content.

Starter tutorial that has been done before. This basic information has been made many times. No points for creativity. You should make the text larger and easier to read.

This was made on 4/12/06, and I am only the fourteenth person to review it.

Another keep the ball in the air game. No points for creativity. Graphics are average and could use razzle dazzle. Feels more like a minigame than a full flash.

Simple Tutorial that is mostly a demo. Graphics have too much black and white, they need vivid colors. Adding more tutorial examples would be helpful. This could be better once it is completed.

This was made on 10/12/05, and I am only the fifteenth person to review it.

Screen size was made very small for no reason, Return it to the standard size. Gameplay has slow down and it's so short. Remove the lag and make it much longer for improvement.

This was made on 7/11/06, and I am only the sixth person to review it.

Soundboard featuring Austin Powers. Your buttons should be more dynamic and shinier. More sound clips are needed, many graphics of Austin, and maybe an animation or two.

It could use more of an outer space vibe with the graphics. Gameplay can use better hit detection. More weapons and upgrades would be helpful. Sound effects would be a nice touch as well.

This was made on 9/2/05, and I am only the sixteenth person to review it.

Very basic flash about a ball and a cube. Graphics need to be brighter and use some razzle dazzle. you should add a challenge levels, that way the player can start off with easy and raise their skills if necessary.

The Graphics could be sharper and have more attention to detail. Gameplay could be improved with a larger variety of enemies, more weapon choices, and plenty of upgrades. You should give the player much more ammo.

Imitation of The Legend of Zelda, so no points for creativity. Gameplay is hurt by the sword mechanics. The range is limited, and it lags. You should add more weapon types, more magic, and some special moves.

I cannot believe that you had your mom make a review that gave you five stars and insults your audience. I have been on NewGrounds over 19 years, and I have never seen this before. Wow.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


Joined on 10/20/04

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