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You did a decent job making this look like a NES game. Being able to edit your controls is always the right move. You did a great job with the looping theme. Some of the characters seem to be stronger than others. You could always have included more power ups.

Whenever it's a game about a devil trying to escape hell, you know there had better be some spot-on graphics. Controls are tight and responsive. Gameplay was lots of fun to play. Very easy to play and lots of fun.

The graphics were all pixel art and had a nice level of detail. This is a short and sweet little run and gun game. Challenge level was decent, and I defeated the entire game.

The medal works, and I earned it.

The first thing I noticed was that the graphics were inspired by Atari games. I have not played an Atari game since I was six, so that was a blast from the past. No issues with the controls, especially glad that you added the double jump. The elemental forces concept makes the game much more interesting. Top notch work.

agar3s responds:

Thanks! the game was created for a game jam, the challenge was to create a game in 13kilobytes, that's the reason I decided to go with Atari like graphics to make them simple. the theme for that jam was elements.
I appreciate your comment!
I'm going to upload another game I made with similar graphics. hope you like it.

The pixel art graphics make it easy to tell everything apart. This gameplay is okay, but it gets boring after a while. Challenge level was easy, I made it all the way until the end. This is just a demo, so you lose points. Most people on NewGrounds and not going to go to a different website to play the full game.

The graphics are decent enough when they are working. However, they did glitch at times, and that was really distracting. Controls were wanky, if you included a way to remap the key, that would be helpful.

Piggybank12 responds:

Thanks for the feedback! This game is long abandoned, but if I ever had the chance to revisit this project I would love to at least optimize the graphical presentation (there's a LOT of wasteful memory/effects usage in this game that I'm pretty sure is primarily responsible for the bugs/glitches/slowdown you may have seen) and add in more control options like remapping.

Honestly though I think this game is still flawed at its foundation with its weird choice of play style, and I'd rather pay forward the lessons learned with future projects instead. Still, the thought is appreciated and I thank you for your time! :)

Pretty standard graphics here, but the controls were wanky. If you had a way to remap the controls that would be useful. I had an error where the game froze up on me. I reset it twice, but the game would not come back. All of that should be corrected.

The graphics look standard for a run and gun shooter. Gameplay is decent, but I think this game could really use a health bar. That just makes things so much easier. You can never have enough power ups and upgrades in any action game.

Graphics are a little on the dark side, but they are okay. If you added an actual plot, and an ending screen it would help it improve. If you are up for killing super zombies again than this is defiantly the game for you.

This game was definitely influenced by the original NES video games. The graphics really give you that retro old school feeling. Including the keyboard and game controller options is always the best way to go. If you find a power up that you like, there should be a way to keep it. If you die, you have almost no chance to get your stuff back. You should fix that.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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