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This is a short and sweet runner and gunner game. I enjoyed the gameplay, and I know that I have seen this game in the past. Nothing brings a family together better than killing the undead.

This reminds me of that old school arcade game RoboTron, but updated. I can definitely see that it was influenced by it. The ability to save at checkpoints was a much better idea than player lives.

You can tell that this was inspired by the classic Ninetendo Gameboy. Graphics have that crisp retro feel. Controls took a minute to master. The challenge level is tough but fair. It could be harder for new players that are not used to old school difficulty.

Graphics are decent for a runner and gunner game. The gameplay was going well, until the lagged kicked in. Lag can ruin even the best game. Once you correct the slow downing, this game will really improve.

SinclairStrange responds:

Thanks for the reviews of the previous games! (Thought I would just comment on just one) Sadly a lot of these games were made years ago and also within 72 hours Ludum Dare game jam so sadly they've all have issue due to the short time in order to develop them.

Hope you've enjoyed them despite that, have a great day ^-^

Pixel art graphics will always look good, there is almost no way you can mess them up. The controls were tight and responsive. The gameplay was fun to run and gun all those enemies. However, it is only a demo so it loses points.

Graphics had a high level of detail for a running and gunning game. I had no issues with the controls at all. More games should allow you to continue having fun even after you die.

The graphics are bright and vivid with lots of attention to detail. Using Unity well a smart idea as well. I really enjoyed the arcade vibes and roguelike feel. After reaching level 70 there was a higher level of lag.

I have not seen a well done Steampunk game in a long time. The graphics are full of retro goodness. I did notice some slowdowns during gameplay. That should be fixed up and corrected. Great for a game made in under 72 hours for a Ludum Dare.

You can tell that this game was influenced by all the metroidvania games of the past. Graphics are looking good, and I enjoyed the gameplay. If you added a way to remap the controls that would be helpful.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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