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I wrote a long review and the tab crashed, so let's try this again. The game still runs smoothly without too much of a slowdown. The mute button on the front page is praiseworthy. Graphics are decent as well. However, the medals do not send after you earn them. Having a medal game with broken medals defeats the point.

The graphics show off your sci-fi influenced from the future. It still plays, but there is slowdown that keeps showing up. I call that the lag monster, and he has ruined many games. Shooting can be difficult as well. However, you did include a mute button on the main screen, so good idea.

You can see the influence from original NES games right from the start. The main character is so small. They should be larger and have more attention to detail. It still runs so that is definitely a plus. I would include a mute button on the main screen.

This is another game that I played years ago, and I went back to playing. Graphics were great back then and they still hold up today. After playing for twenty minutes the lag showed up. I had the issue with it not reloading back up. Those bugs must be corrected.

Not only do the graphics look good, but it is well animated as well. No issues with the controls at all. Starting with all of your weapons is a nice idea. Gameplay is okay, but there should be much more areas to explore. Adding more powerups will help any Runner and Gunner game improve.

Pixel art graphics are looking good. If you want your game to stand the test of time, use pixel art. Having a two player game with a bot computer player is vital, and you did it. Having a mute button on the main screen is also awesome. Every game should have that option. This is excellent for an indiesvspewdiepie jam made in 72 hours.

Wolod responds:

Thank you very much!

I have played this game years ago, and just recently came back to it. The graphics still hold up, but the gameplay is very laggy. After playing for 30 minutes, it crashed on me. I refreshed four times, but it never came back. Nothing worse than a fun game that gives you an error.

The graphics are probably the best part of this game. The gameplay has totally been ruined by bus, glitches, and the lag monster. Lag is the one thing that can ruin any game. Once you fix up the basics, the game will improve.

There is nothing more interesting than a good demake. I have played Half-Life many times, but this is a totally new spin on the original game. If only this was really a game for the classic NES.

Why are the figures so small? They should be larger and have much more attention to detail. This game could really use a practice mode. The action picks ups so quickly you can get killed before you even know what happened. The music really gave the spooky feeling.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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