
7,723 Game Reviews

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The coloring effect used on Castle Hippopotamus really makes him stand out. The controls do not work well. I went all the way to the right side of the screen and became stuck. You should correct the bug. I can't keep hugging if I can't move.

The 3D graphics look just like the 2D graphics, so nice job. Controls took a minute to master, using left and right click to attack was an interesting choice. There should be more power ups and life refills. Including an area that shows you where to go would be helpful.

Graphics on the car are decent, but the zombies are really small. The background has almost no color and looks like boring. The controls feel wanky, and not very responsive. The time for the combo meter should last longer. Whenever I drive toward a new set of enemies, I am already losing my combo numbers.

The pixel art graphics are a little small but are decent enough. This game is all about fighting ninjas. There are so many ninjas that it gets old quickly. If you added more power ups to make the combat move quicker, that would really help.

Graphics are decent and you can tell everything apart. Gameplay was fine and there was actually no slowdowns or lag. The biggest downfall was that this game is so short. If you made it much longer it would really improve.

The graphics are subpar, and the characters need much more attention to detail. Being able to customize the controls is useful. Gameplay was going well into the lag started. The lag monster was so bad it made my tab crash. The lag should be removed to improve this game.

This is a game all about collecting mushrooms and fighting robots. The graphics are decent, and it takes a minute to figure out all of the controls. There is lag between levels and it feels like this is just the game loading. The Ending is the Super Mario Bros 2 ending, its all a dream.

It is not often that I play a game where the hero is a hobo, especially a hobo that needs clothes. I really like the silly vibe of this game. However, this game suffers from some lag in endless mode. It made the tab crash, and I could not get it to reload. If you correct that issue, this game will improve.

Graphics are not bad for a game that promotes a school. Controls are wanky, you should include a way to remap the keys. There is one major flaw with the game, you get stuck at the tunnel. Therefore, it is a broken game. Once you correct the tunnel error, and allow us to change the controls, this game will really be better.

Graphics look impressive, especially for being in 2014. I like the nod to old school arcades, with the insert coin message. When you die and the game over screen looks like static, that is a top notch touch. However, this is just a prototype, so you lose points. Did you ever submit a finished a complete version?

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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