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Pixel Art graphics have the best ability to stand the test of time. That is why they are used so often. As with most games, you should include a way to remap the controls. Adding more attacks and power ups would help with the combat.

SharpedStoneStudios responds:

Thanks a lot for that!
This was a small game jam game, but we are working on a follow up with the same concept which will be a full game. Check it out here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1773740/Hermit_an_Underwater_Tale/

Graphics are bare bones basic, try saying that three times fast. Controls on the double jump were off, it would work better if you pressed jump twice to do a double jump. The part where you commit suicide seemed pretty violent, but not too over the top. You should try a game like this where you take your time, not rush it out in nine hours.

The graphics are decent and show off a darker tone. It makes sense since you are running around a dungeon and fighting evil monkeys, plus the annoying evil troops. This is a nice little metroidvania game.

This is one of the best Hobo versus Baller Land games that I have ever played. The Hobo could use more powerups and secret Hobo magical skills. He needs all that cash.

The medal works, and I earned it.

Snackers responds:

thanks doctor strongbad

It has all the Madness graphics that you would expect, and the animation is just as smooth as usual. I master the controls in a few seconds, so no issues on them. I found the challenge level to be tough but fair. If the game was longer than it would be better.

Graphics are decent and the walls look just like walls. Fighting with the left click and building with right click felt odd to me. You should include a way to remap the keys. It can take a while, but you can get very strong in this game. If the goal was to kill tons of bad guys, then I finished this game.

Using Pixel Art to represent a cyberpunk world worked off well. Controls are okay but could use the ability to remap the keys. Gameplay is hurt by the enemies being way too strong. If you had used a Beta Tester, you could have avoided these issues. If you need a Beta Tester for your next project, let me know.

MoeAnguish responds:


The claymation style graphics are really unique. Moving is easy, but combat can be challenging. There should be more combat moves. At least, you should include lots of power ups and health regains. Top notch entry for Robot Day 2020.

The graphics are intense and have that retro feel to them. The controls were tight and responsive. It was fun fighting and beating up all those bad guys. The biggest problem was that is only a trial version. The completed game should be much better.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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