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I can see the influence of Double Dragon the NES classic video game. Graphics actually look great for Donald Trump's head on a different body. This Brawler game really needs more moves. Where is the jump kick or the flying knee? Currently, you would need tons of power ups and life refills.

Monochromatic has never worked out in games, unless you are trying to make something specially like a Nintendo GameBoy game. I can see what you were trying with the shadow effect, but it did not come across well. Making shift a key just feels wanky. Your controls could really use a remap feature.

I can see the influence from The Legend of Zelda, the classic original NES game. Graphics are decent and have a medium level of attention to detail. The experience system just felt wanky to me. If you included checkpoints, then you could finish a partial piece of a dungeon and then return to the main screen to purchase new skills.

Visually, this game just looks good. The graphics are probably one of the better parts of this game. Controls are okay, but they could use the ability to remap them. I kept fighting the enemies, but they never stopped. The game just ended without explaining what happened. This game could really use a tutorial.

Graphics have a high level of attention to detail, and they also seem bright and cheerful. The controls take a few tries to figure out, but they can be mastered. It can be tricky to only attack the crowd and not your enemy, especially when your enemy loves to hide in the crowd. The first battle seems a bit to challenging.

The graphics are decent enough, you can tell things apart. The controls take a minute to master, but once you do than you are ready to play. This game has a lot of untapped potential, but there have been no updates in years.

Pixel Art graphics look nice, but the main character could be larger. No issues with the controls, so things are looking good so far. Gameplay is difficult because you can die easy, especially if you are not ready. Also, why are the prices so expensive for upgrades? If you lowered the prices, and made the bad guys weaker, than players could get established.

The graphics are basic, and not the main point of the game. This is a hybrid of a Tower Defense and a Brawler game. The upgrades seemed really expensive, and the bad guys can outrun you quickly. If you are patient enough, you can slowly save enough money to upgrade the dojo. If you improve the graphics, lower the prices, and add something more exciting this game would be better.

Evil Dead made just like a classic NES game. I would have played the hell out of this game back in the day. However, this game suffers from Excellent idea, but poor execution syndrome. I'm on the character select screen, and I had to press every key on my keyboard to discover that it is Enter that allows you to select your skin. The game starts and I can't move for some reason. Fix this issue, so I can play this game.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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