
7,723 Game Reviews

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A gadget that translates English to L33T. This is not very useful as L33T is not a real language. This could be fun for a few minutes, but there is not much to do. If you include action and goals to achieve this might be better.

The graphics have an underwater vibe to them. Gameplay could be too hard for some players. You should up the challenge for later levels.

Another dress up flash this one featuring President Bush and Vice President Cheney. You need many more props choices. A great dress up game will include a cute anime girl. Most people won't be interested in two old men.

This was made on 3/25/06, and I am only the twelfth person to review it.

Puzzle flash that includes trippy graphics and effects. I found the gameplay to be quite easy. Adding more puzzles and goals to achieve would be a good idea.

Why did you mess with the screen size? That makes everything difficult to see. This is a collecting minigame not a flash. You should make this a full and complete game.

This was made on 9/25/05, and I am only the nineteenth person to review it.

The graphics are probably the best part of this flash. Gameplay was pretty much just pressing buttons and watching movies. This is pretty much an interactive movie.

A physics flash that has average graphics. Gameplay starts off okay. but the slowdown really shuts things down. Remove the lag and add more content.

This was made on 9/14/05, and I am only the sixteenth person to review it.

Screen size was altered, and it should be returned to the normal size. Gameplay would be better if you explained things. A tutorial level could be helpful. You should add more items to purchase, upgrades, and special attacks it could improve.

Return the screen to the standard size. Making it smaller is always a bad idea. Graphics could use more attention to detail. Gameplay is hurt by the game being so short.

Starwars themed graphics are decent. Gameplay is lacking and very repetitive. You need levels that have different backgrounds and different enemies. Your sound effects and music are nice.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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