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The graphics are pixel art but could have been more detailed. In fact, the character could be larger. to make it easier to see. This is mostly a visual novel. There should be much more content, and the game should be much longer.

The graphics look great for pixel art. Learning to control both characters at once can take a minute to master. It can be a little to difficult at first.

JauqGames responds:

Indeed, it can be tricky to get ahold of, but I'm glad to hear you managed. Thanks for playing!

At first, I didn't know what to think, but this is a very fun action game. That fox has a taste for eggs that never stops.

The Graphics are bright and vivid. This is definitely a new and original concept. Once you figure things out, and you can really enjoy the gameplay. Not bad for a small Christmas game.

Pixel art graphics just like most games of the day. Controls felt wonky at moments, and that made it challenging for the wrong reasons. You should use a beta tester in your games. That would help to correct the controls and the grammar errors.

JonathanGV responds:

Thank you on your feedback! We are from Mexico so when we show the game to some of our close friends they usually just play it, don't really read anything, overall don't criticize it much. So we kind of use newgrounds to test things out with much more people, we will be releasing a full version of the game based off all the criticism we received

Graphics are okay and you can tell everything apart. The beginning of the game had lots of text that you have to make it through. Once the game actually starts, you can have some fun exploring and trying to advance the plot.

This game has a great potential, but not the best execution. The graphics are cuter than you normally see in a sci-fi game. There should be a way to change the difficulty setting. That way players could start on easy and work up to hard mode.

This is a new twist on the old " who done it?" game. The clues can be helpful, if you know how to put them all together. If not, you will have to work on your guessing skills. A ran into a bug when the game would not load. I have to reset twice, to actually start.

Fiss the elf should be larger. Especially, if the game is supposed to show own her outfit and her sex appeal. I have been walking around for over ten minutes and I am collecting several different items, but no idea what to do with them. Is there an item shop someplace to trade in cookies for lingerie?

Graphics are pixel art so it fits right into the current meta. Stealth games can be tricky, you have to make them challenging, but also fun to play. The not being able to jump mechanic had a definite effect on the gameplay. Nice work in making this in under 48 hours.

FadrikAlexander responds:

Thanks for playing!

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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