
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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The screen size is too small, you should return it to the standard size. The stickmen should be fleshed out enemies. Adding more weapons and attacks would be helpful.

Graphics are okay but could use more flash and shine. A few glitches with the audio that didn't stop properly. If you removed the glitches, it would perform much better.

A soundboard featuring Family Guy's Peter Griffen. Graphics are low and need to be designed better. If you remade this for NewGroounds, instead of just submitting your schoolwork, it could be better.

A simple little car game that could use more content. Gameplay takes a few tries to master. It really needs more car choices, options, and could use an upgrade system.

This was made on 3/6/04, and I am only the fifteenth person to review it.

An arm wrestling flash game is a good idea but doesn't live up to its potential. Gameplay could use a much better playing mechanic. I defeated all three levels of difficulty.

People can never get enough DBZ fighting action, but this little demo is not enough. You should work this into a full game with multiple character choices, and plenty of special attack moves.

Here we have a basic puzzle themed game about different colored games. This is a nice start for a flash, but it could be developed much more. Gameplay could get faster as you advance levels toward a final ending.

A dress up game has tons of competition with so many versions. A good idea is to include a cute anime girl. Since this is just a demo, it could be better once finished.

This was made on 2/24/04, and I am only the seventeenth person to review it.

This is a strange sort of sound board based on a strange TV show. First, you should label the sound clips, so it's not just random nonsense. Graphics on the phone are low effort as well.

Your mix of a silly tutorial and comedy works out well. Not too serious or funny, the voice acting goes well with the animation. It could have more game than movie parts.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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