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Graphics are typical for a Construct 2 game. No issues with the controls. Getting power ups as fast as you can alwyas makes sense. The difficulty scale rises slowly, but when you die you start from yourdeath. That makes it challenging to progress without power ups.

Pixel Art is the graphics and the colors are nice. Controls are using the mouse. There are plenty of fish to collect and the day and night cycle works well. The abilty to save is useful, and always a good idea. I enjoyed the realistic sounds.

Graphics are pixels, but they are small. The game window should be larger, and the objects larger so you can see them better. Controls are fine, but where is the pause button? This game really needs a pause button. Music was nice, but it could be lower. I had to turn off the sound after the first few minutes.

Pixel graphics are good and you can tell things apart. The controls take a minute to master, but once you do they work well. The difficult level is very high. That is probably the biggest issue with this game. If you added easy, normal, and hard difficulties as choices, it would really be an improvement.

The Graphics are all pixels, because its Pixel art. Controls work well enough with mo issue. If you like collecting fish, than this is the game for you. You should be able to sell the fish. That way you could buy upgrades or new equipment. There is so much potential to make this game more interesting, and much better.

Graphics are very retro inspired, but can be confusing. Some of the background colors are the same as the front ground ones. Controls take time to master since you can not exactly jump. This game is a great tribute to old school Mario Bros.

Extar responds:

Glad you enjoyed it! The graphics were all the work of Tom Hall & co. who put the start cart together for the jam, it was great working with them. There is indeed *no jumping* ;)

The Graphics are very surreal. Controls are point and click so no issues. Puzzles in this game can be complex. You have to pay attention, since the puzzles are intuitive. I like this concept of puzzles. This game seems like a tribute to Myst.

Graphics are basic, but they work well enough. Controls are point and click, no way to mess that up. I am not the biggest fan of dress ups game, but I tried out all the different props.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

Little-Rena responds:

Thanks, I went with a point and click option because dragging and AS2 is a weird thing, not sure how well it plays with Ruffle!

Good to hear I didn't goof up the medals and such this time, other than a typo early on that some kind soul PMed me about :)

This is a short and sweet game all about the banning process. Graphics are average, and no issues with the controls. If only there was a way to prevent being banned on NewGrounds, That was be awesomely amazing.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

DVa-Clock responds:

Nice! I did notice Ruffle isn't a big fan of textboxes though.

Graphics remind me of arcade games. Controls worked well enough. The music was one of the best parts, it really goes well with the overall theme. The ending could of used an interesting boss.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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