
7,723 Game Reviews

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The claymation and 2d animation combination worked out very well. The point and click controls didn't have any issues. A game that deals with flash dying is such a smart idea. It is a major concern that people are still dealing with today. Excellent work on the music as well.

Graphics are definitely designed to resemble the arcade experience. Controls are simple and they worked well for me. This game is all about throwing rocks at shit. If you hate shit, and you enjoy throwing rocks, than this is the game for you.

The use of anime inspired graphics turned out wonderfully. The controls have some major issues, turning needs to be more consistent. If you have to stop moving to aim, you are a sitting duck to the enemies. You should also be able to change directions while in the air. These issues very much hurt the gameplay. The should be fixed up right away.

The graphics are beautiful and one of the better parts of the game. Its is point and click so the controls are super easy to understand and operate. Reducing your original plans is probably the worst feature of this game. It feels more like a demo. Once you add more content and action, it will really improve.

The graphics are Pico 8 influenced retro style. This is an interesting twist on a rpg, especially the vending machine concept. Combat was okay. I would suggest including more types of attacks, and a way to speed up fights. The challenge level is average overall. This entire game reminds me of Undertale.

Pixel art graphics are always a good choice. The controls can be mastered quickly, and that helps when trying to solve the case. It is fun to process all the evidence and trying to figure out who done it. The cases were a little on the easy side. You should make more that are more complex. There are so many cases that you could add, and the more content the better.

It has a retro feel with the pixel art graphics. Being a robotic paparazzi is an unique idea. I didn't have any issue with the controls. You can slide on up, and get those pictures that you need. It looks great for a game made in 72 hours. With more content and side missions, it would really help it to improve.

Pixel art graphics and a retro feel for a shoot em up outer space game. Being able to change the controls is helpful, you can choose the one that works best for you. I like your selection of power ups. You can never have enough power up choices.

The graphics remind me of a web toon. The layout of this game is cute and fun. Different routes have varying level of difficulty. If you figure out which ones to complete first, it can make your gaming experience much easier. This is one of the better Valentine's themed games that I have played.

Supernova-Games responds:

Thanks a lot, it makes me super happy to hear that! Which route did you like the best?

The Graphics look just like a police line up. You can tell all the different characters apart without an issue. All you do is press the Spacebar to play the game. It is a nice twist on a simulation game.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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