
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Tutorial that could be helpful when making certain games. It could use more topics of information and examples.

This was made on 6/26/07, and I am only the 11th person to review it.

A point and click game that has above average graphics. Control or point and click. Gameplay would be improved if you included more loot and things to purchase with the loot.

Basic flash all about dodging. Graphics are average and can use some razzle dazzle. Adding unlockables might help the replay factor.

This was made on 8/10/06, and I am only the twelfth person to review it.

This is a button tutorial for newer users. The graphics could be more dynamic and more shine. Adding more information will be helpful and could use sound effects and music as well.

This was made on 6/28/06, and I am only the 9th person to review it.

Soundboard featuring Napoleon Dynamite. It could use more buttons and more sound clips.

It was made on 8/10/06, and I am only the 7th person to review it.

Pigeon flash that is underdone. Graphics need a major redo, add some bright and vibrant colors. You should be able to fly with more freedom and less hassle. With more time and effort, it could be a success.

This was made on 6/22/06, and I am only the sixteenth person to review it.

Graphics look nice from the backgrounds to the characters. Gameplay is average with no flaws. If you added unlockables it might improve.

Halo brought to the world of flash. Gameplay is stalled by the inability to move freely. Correct the movement issues, add many more guns, and weapons and this could be better.

OS that has been created in flash. Graphics could be more dynamic and professional. It is a nice experiment, but I wouldn't try it in reality. If you improved the fun and content it might improve.

This was made in 9/20/06, and I am only the ninth person to review it.

Simple minigame with nice graphics. It could use more animation and plenty more content. It might be better once it is finished.

This was made on 10/11/23, and I am only the tenth person to review it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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