
7,724 Game Reviews

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This is a strange twist on a platformer game. You are a teleporting robot, but you are so limited in your movements. Solving the puzzles to keep advancing is okay. You should add some post-apocalyptic stuff like mutants or monsters to make this game more exciting.

This is a platformer that is all about growing and shrinking. I mastered the controls pretty easy. Gameplay is okay and there are plenty of puzzles to figure out. I would have not guessed that is game was made to be speed run.

This reminds me of Mario Paint for the SNES. I drew a picture of a cool robot. When I used the paint bucket to color it grey, the entire screen turned grey. What that supposed to happen? How do I color my robot all grey, while its nighttime in the background?

nokoi responds:

Use the background line tool with a big width. The fill tool is for pasting line attributes

What happens when a silent Turnip boy makes a mistake? He commits Tax Evasion and then goes on a quest to try and solve his problems. Pixel graphics are bright and vibrant. Lots of attention to detail all over as well. Gameplay was fun as I was fetching items and tearing up all the papers I could find. The only problem is this is just a demo, so you lose points some points.
Happy Pixel Day 2022.

I can see the influence from Sonic the Hedgehog the classic Sega game. Especially, with all the yellow rings. Controls are okay, and I did not experience any slowdowns. This being an early prototype, you lose points. Once the final completed game is submitted it should be improved.

You are an Archer, and you have to fight your way out of the Missty Grove. The controls are okay, but why do you have to charge up your bow for everything single shot? I could see for certain tougher enemies, but the basic enemies in the first room of the game should not require you to have to charge up your bow. It just seems like a way to make the game harder.

This is another version of the famous " Collect Three " puzzle games. Playing as an UFO is an okay idea, but the UFO should have some outer space powers. If you included some power ups to destroy certain blocks, or at least change a block's color. That would be an improvement.

bluswimmer responds:

Thanks for the feedback!

This has been influenced by the old school Arcade game Frogger, which was ported to Atari and not the NES. The graphics were changed a little bit, but its Frogger. Gameplay is exactly the same as Frogger. This is just a demo so; it could be better once you submit the completed product.

AtreyuGilbert responds:

Well, it is in fact the Arcade Mode. The final product will have a Story/Adventure mode that adds in more features as well as more levels. Still kinda deciding whether or not the game will feature the original Arcade graphics throughout but I'll be thinking about it. Thanks for the gold!

This is the first time I have played a game as a Wizard Vampire Kobold. Graphics are crisp and have high level of attention to detail. Gameplay is fun, and without any slowdown. Happy Pixel Day 2022.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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