
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Graphics look nice and you can tell everything apart. Gameplay could use different enemy types and to last longer. Adding more weapon types and unlockables would be helpful.

This was made on 11/14/07, and I am only the eleventh person to review it.

Basic quiz all about skateboarding. It could use animated scenes and more dynamic graphics overall. This might work better if you made this into a series of quizzes, instead of just one.

This was made on 8/24/06, and I am only the tenth person to review it.

Golf flash with some interesting courses. Can you play could you use more options and different choices. If you added unlockables that might help with the replay factor.

Dress up flash featuring Clocks for Clockday 2003. Needs more models, especially a cute anime one. Plenty of more props and a way to animate your creation.

This was made on 8/15/03, and I am only the twelfth person to review it.

Small little tutorial all about those stickmen. If you showed an example of each stickman, it would be more helpful. Adding a back button is a smart idea.

Graphics have that retro feel and the controls work well. This is a nice advent calendar all about chickens. This is the top advent calendar about chickens for 2023.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

You should allow the player the chance to reconfigure the controls. If you made the game longer and added unlockables that could help the replay factor.

Basic fighting flash. Characters could use better graphics than just circles. Improving the background should also be helpful.

This was made on 2/25/06, and I am only the sixteenth person to review it.

Car wrecking flash that could use more choices. With more car options and more ways to wreck the car, this game would be more entertaining.

This was made on 10/28/02, and I am only the eighteenth person to review it.

Simple gadget that does not test your intelligence. It actually tests how well you can see. This would work better if you included this until a fully completed game.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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