
7,723 Game Reviews

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This is a well done game. Maybe have the cursor start in a specific spot on the board, and say that in the directions? I tried to play the game and almost thought it didn't work, cause I had to click the arrow keys several times before the cursor came up. Overall, you did very well.

The medal works, and I earned it.

This is an interesting game. I like the graphics and the colors. But the sensitivity of where the fish/plastics are in relation to the alien is too broad. I was pretty far away from most of the objects that ended up killing me. I think it would be a better game if the "kill bubble" wasn't quite so big. Overall, great job!

BuzzGame responds:

I'm so glad you enjoyed the game, Some obstacles are in different speeds yeah but I figured it would bring more challenge to the players. I'll tweak the kill bubble (I like the name by the way) more to make it convenient.

I gave it a 5 because it looks good and could be a fun game. The graphics are good. And the story line was intriguing. But I couldn't get past the double jump as pressing z while in the air didn't work. Please try to fix this. Thanks!

Skeeall responds:

Thank you, the problem is because the website version of the game is rather laggy. Ill create a downloadable version

Graphics are great with plenty of attention to detail. The controls work well, so no issues with that. Difficult is fair, but challenging. The music is the best part of the game. If you like music, this the game for you.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

A short and sweet egg themed puzzle game. Graphics were decent enough, there could be more attention to detail. Only two major colors, white and purple. Having a beta tester would be helpful. if you ever want me to Beta Test for you, comment on my user page.

The medal woks, and I earned it.

Graphics were very crisp, the attention to detail was spot on. The game mechanics were easy to learn, and could be performed quickly. All of the different actions and choices really raised the level of activity. The challenge level was much harder than you would expect. The music was a great choice to do along with the gameplay.
Zombie games are always the best when you need some mindless killing.

Graphics are okay, but could use more attention to detail. Controls are simple point and click. I did notice that if you go to info screen, it would mess up your progress in the game. I had to reset twice, to complete everything. Waiting three minutes was a giant waste of time, it could of been much shorter. The joke was not funny at all. Next time, you should use a Beta Tester to improve your game.

The medal works, and I earned it.

Ant responds:

Nah dude
You just don’t understand the satirical nature of dad jokes
The time is meant to be accurate to real life
And if you don’t like wasting time then get off my profile lol

The graphics are colorful and well defined. The controls worked well. I have always used a mouse while play every game, so this was right up my alley. I really enjoyed all the action and content. I would suggest adding lots of power ups, and the ability to have tons of upgrade.

The graphics look like World War 2. Controls are easy enough to figure out. I had playing the game, but I had some questions.
1. Are you able to play as different teams like Italy, Germany, japan, and Russia?

2. Why can you only save on Facebook? That is a really bad idea. You should be able to save on NewGrounds.

Once you allow NewGrounds saving, I will be sure to play this much more often.

AMT-Games responds:

Hi, thanks for the review. Nope we don't have the historical accurate storyline, you can mix German and Russian units in your deck and play through the game.

As for the save option, we decided that a universal build is better for us right now, so anyone can add the game to their page and it remains fully functional. Besides, well you can just use the local save, but it will be gone if you clear site data or change your device.

The graphics have a retro feel, and reminds me of Mega Man. The controls are simple and work well. Pause button never gave me any issues. It takes a moment to load up, but it is all action once it starts up. There was a small hiccup or two during gameplay. This came out great for a game jam entry.
Yes, I did read all of your comments. They were very informative.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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