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Graphics are pixel art, so that is a good start. The controls need work. They should be less sloppy and need a way to change the keys. The endless levels are a nice touch. If you included more towers and upgrades it would improve.

The pixel graphics are too small, they should be larger. Controls can be confusing. especially when switching between the characters. I had a few glitching issues while I was playing. The game feels more like a demo than a finished game. If you polish it up and correct the glitches, it will improve.

Graphics are simple and look nice. Controls are kinda twitchy, but that can actually help you lower your time. If you enjoy speed runs, than this is definitely the game for you.

Graphics are pixel art, which I always enjoy. Controls are average, could use a way to change them. There is so much potential, but not enough delivered. If you added extra area to explore, and much more content, you would see improvement.

Graphics are good and you can tell everything apart while playing. I had no issues with the controls. The music is awesome and vibes well with the gameplay. The challenge can be too extreme for some players, so watch out. Making it longer would really improve it.

Graphics are dark and minimal, but that is the point. This game is all about listening and some imagination. An interesting game that is great when you consider it was only made in 48 hours. Once you finally beat it, the ending is strange.

Graphics are voxel art, so get ready for the experience. Controls are all about making different choices, so they work well enough. The major flaw is the shortness, and lack of content. Once that is increased, the game will really improve.

The art style is so unique, I always like checking out an original idea. The difficulty is worth noting, but it is offset by the freedom of gameplay. Amazing choice of of music as well.

Graphics are good, and no issues with the controls. There is a calming effect within this game that is top notch. The music went perfectly with the gameplay. There should be more content, or release a sequel.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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