
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Graphics are Pixel Art, but could be larger to show more detail. Challenge is simple, it does rise a little as you progress. If you enjoying playing puzzle games, than you should really check it out.

This game was all about time going bye. It was average, and nothing really special.
I have played Flash games for over twenty years. I have seen so many nude women, and killed so many humans, aliens, monsters, and robots. Really going to miss you Flash my old friend.

Art was nice, but could use some animation in the scenes. The writing flowed well, and made sense. It seemed to end way too soon. You should make it longer.

Graphics are normal pixel art, with a cute twist. Controls work well enough. It could use more power ups, and definitely more ways to heal. I personally prefer skill based over luck based games. Nice job.

Nothing better than a new horror game, it can be very rare to find a quality one. Graphics are good and so are the controls. Even more so, when you consider the game was made for a game jam. It could be longer.

Graphics are simple pixel art, but they work well. I wasn't sure I would like a dancing game but ,this one grew on me. The difficulty can creep on you, so watch out. It should be longer as well.

Another nice quiz in this serious. Graphics and controls are about the same in this episode. The State Flags came very easy to me. Looking forward to your next submission.

The medals work and I earned them all.

applessmillion responds:

Thanks for the review!

Graphics are small and simple. They could be larger with more detail, but this game isn't really about the graphics. It is all about the controls and teamwork. I know it was only made in 48 hours, but you did a superb job.

Graphics are very detailed, and the lighting effect is done well. The controls are easy, but some of the levels take a try or two to master. This is great for a demo.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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