
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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The claymation graphics made it very unique. There could of been more upgrades and power ups. Including more content would make the game extra fun.

This is a nice little trivia quiz about Among Us. Graphics are okay, and no issues with the controls. The graphics could use more color and razzle dazzle.

The medal works, and I earned it.

applessmillion responds:

Thanks for the review! After looking into Among Us I figured a more simplistic look would be best. Seeing your comment made me think of a nice little addition I could add to the background, so I'll see about spicing things up a bit ;)
EDIT: I've gone ahead and added a little animation near the bottom. Check it out if you're curious!

A very short game. Graphics could be shined up and have better attention to detail. Controls were a little sticky.

The medal works, and I earned it.

Graphics are great and the animation is smooth. I had no issues with the game play. The game was really easy, and making everybody happy was a not a problem at all. Nick job.

This game has almost no content. If you put more time and energy into it, it would be much better. I actually played the second version, before this first one.

The medal works, and I earned it.

Graphics look retro, but could of used some polish. The game play was a little tricky with the close margins. Next time, make them wider for newer players. I completed it perfectly, the first time.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

Graphics are basic, and could use more detail. Works well for a simple point and click game. I earned all the medals when the game was first released, but was not rewarded them. I had to return the next day, and earn them all again.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

Little-Rena responds:

I am sorry about the medal issue :(

The graphics look like a discount version of Geometry Dash. It needs more content and action. It was funny, but could use more humor.

Its a very simple game using pictures of people, and very little graphics. It seems very familiar, to another game. Is this a reupload?

Labeling the faces, might be helpful. That way people know more about them.

The graphics need improvement. Controls should be listed in the Author Comments. There should be upgrades and special moves. It is more of a parody, than an actual fighting game.

NightShadeStation responds:

Thanks for the feedback I will add some special moves

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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