
7,723 Game Reviews

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VirusX is a flash all about collecting. Graphics are average, with brighter colors and more attention to detail they would improve. Gameplay might work out better if the levels were shorter, they are currently too long.

Classic Tetris is another imitation of Tetris. Nothing new or exciting going on here. There is a glitch where it can show the wrong upcoming piece. You should offer the choice to mute the music.

The Rabbit Game includes parts 1 and 2 all in one flash. The maze can be tricky, and you have to be careful, or you can die quickly. Graphics are average, and really need more attention to detail.

This was made 4/30/06, and I am only the ninth person to review it.

The Simpsons Soundboard is another soundboard featuring the Simpsons. The clips could be louder, so they are easier to hear. You could use more sound clips. If you added improved graphics, and some animations than this could be better.

Pico Box is a box pushing flash. Graphics are decent but could use more shine and polish. If you offered a way to reconfigure the controls that would be useful.

WE SHOULD GET SOME MILK is a milk collecting flash. Graphics are nice, and the controls are your arrow keys. If you like collecting milk, then this may be the game for you.

The medal works, and I earned it.

6 in 1 Noob tutorial 2 is a long title for a basic tutorial flash. Graphics are average quality, they need more effort and polish. The biggest issue here is the curser. Removing it would be a large improvement.

This was made 5/3/06, and I am only the twelfth person to review it.

K-FED: Dancing with Fire is a Kevin Federline beating up flash. Graphics are high quality, maybe the best for a beat up game. The ability to have different moves in nice, but you could always add many more attacks.

Asterisk's Adventure is just a beta. Graphics need vivid colors to look better. Gameplay could use more areas to explore. You should add a few musical tracks to help make this a complete flash.

Centrifuge is a basic action flash. Graphics are simple and the controls are okay. This game has nothing remarkable about it. It is just another generic flash game. Adding sound effects and music would be helpful.

This was made on 6/15/06, and I am only the thirteenth person to review it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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