
7,723 Game Reviews

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Starship Troopers is a soundboard flash. There are not enough sound clips, you need to add many more. Adding animations would be the thing that puts this soundboard head and shoulders above all of the other ones.

Ultimate Simpsons is another The Simpsons sound board. This is the third one of these that I have seen almost in a row. I think the well is dry at this point.

Tetris for everyone is an imitation of the classic video game brought to flash. If you have played Tetris before than you have played this game. The music is probably the best part. You should use an original idea for your next submission.

Snake is an imitation of the classic mobile phone game in flash. This has been done so many times. Next time, you should use an original idea.

Ultimate Bart Simpson is a flash that is only about Bart. The clips are okay, but you could always use more of them. With so many The Simpsons themed soundboards, you need something to help this one stand out. Adding more graphics and animations would be helpful.

Pixel Fighta is a action shooting flash. Graphics are decent, so they have lots of room for improvement. Gameplay can become repetitive. If you added more attacks, upgrades, and special moves that would be useful.

StrawberryClock: SB is another sound gadget flash. Graphics are just average looking buttons. You should make them fancier and more polished. This is your basic soundboard. If you added animations, then it could stand out from the tons and tons of other soundboards.

This was made on 8/15/06, and I am only the eleventh person to review it.

Ultimate Homer Simpson soundboard is another The Simpsons flash. This looks so similar to all of the other ones. If you made the buttons easier to locate, and added animations it would help this sound board to improve.

Runnin' Dude is a running and jumping flash. Graphics are nice, and the controls have no issues.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

notarobot1126 responds:

im so glad you like it it means alot to me!

Noob Drawing Tips is a basic tutorial flash. Graphics are messy and that can make it hard to discern certain things. With better attention to detail and polish, it would make everything easier to see.

This was made on 4/30/06, and I am only the eleventh person to review it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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