
7,723 Game Reviews

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Kong not only hates most celebrities, but really seems to dislike women. If you added many more death options and overall animations than this flash could become Top Notch.

This is only one basic tutorial. If you included more tutorials, that would increase the usefulness of this flash. Adding more graphics and animations is always a good idea.

Another dress up flash that suffers from the same issues as many others. The character is too small, he should be larger to show him off. You need many more props choices. Dress up games work much better with a cute anime girl, not a guy.

Neon is an arcade style shooting game. It seems very similar to asteroids with some changes. If you allowed the player to reconfigure the controls, that would be helpful. Gameplay can slow down at times.

Bill's Button Tutorial is aimed at newbies but suffers from errors. It really needs a preloader at the start. You should be able to copy the AS scripts and have them function.

World cup soccer seemed to be a decent flash, but just feels like a demo. Graphics were maybe the best part of the game. Controls need to be tighter, and your goalie should be more agile. This could be much improved once it is finished.

You reduced the screen size for no reason. You should always keep the standard screen size. You need more clips, and make sure that your sounds are very clear. Adding animations would be an improvement.

As a test, this flash looks bland. Your graphics should more colorful and shinier. Once you play this game you will always get the same result. You should change things up to up your replay factor.

Graphics could be better looking. Gameplay is messed up by glitches and bugs. This is not an original flash. It is a copy of Gunbound. Next time, you need to submit a game of your own.

Kill the Orcs is your average killing flash. There should be more weapons to choose from, upgrades, and special attacks. That would help this game improve.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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