
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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This is an adventure game that was inspired by South Park. It is funny and has a nice story. This classic is still entertaining today.

I like the dark feel to this game. It reminded me of the Silent Hill series. Great use of creepy sounds and music as well. This would be a perfect game to play all by yourself at night.

Combining sports with kitchen equipment sounds strange, but it actually works out well. Great 3D graphics and use of physics. This is an awesome game that looks very professional. Keep up the good work.

LesCrafteurs responds:

DoctorStrongbad, thank you so much! Awesome comment, we will do our best, we promise!

The graphics are great, and are the best part of the game. The puzzles are challenging, but fair. This is a good point and click game. The only issue is that is could be longer.

I really enjoy this educational flash game. You can learn all about the universe and outer space. Science is not only awesome, but it is also fun. Great job.

This is an older game that I had forgotten about. On the update, it was brought back to the light of day. It brings back good memories.

This is a fun game all about being reincarnated. The controls work well, and there are no lag issues at all. Nice job for being made in a week.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

Running Round combines a platformer and a runner game, mixed with a twist. This is an original concept brought to an old favorite type of game. The challenge level is tough but fair. There should be many more levels. By the time you master the skills, the game ends too soon.

This game could really use a tutorial to explain things. The graphics have a nice looking retro feel. The high difficulty is mostly due to confusion rather than actually challenge.

I really enjoyed playing this game. Graphics are bright and colorful. There was no lag or slowness at all. The infinite dungeon feature is not only exciting, but also gives you a high repayable factor.
All the different skills and upgrades were a nice touch.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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