
7,723 Game Reviews

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The graphics are retro and no problems with the controls. It was too short and simple. It needs more levels and puzzles to solve. Having side missions would make it much better.

The fighter should be able to move around, and attacks should not auto hit. There should be different characters that have different move sets. That would allow players to find a favorite. This game could be excellent with much more work and effort. It feels unfinished.

Being able to change the backgrounds so easily is a nice thing.

MassiveMarioLuigi700 responds:

the game is suppose to be a auto hit game, but it will have updates. Do not worry.

An Updates been added

This is a fun strategy game with a retro feel. There are different ways that you upgrade your units, and you can also build new ones. If you have the patience and like to learn as you go, you should definitely give Archers and Altercations a chance.

The graphics are okay, but could be improved. There should be more missions and goals to accomplish. You really need to add different music tracks and sounds effects.

This game really needs a tutorial to explain things. It can be easy to get confused. I tried playing four times, and it crashed my flash three different times. You should try to fix that issue.

This is a short and simple point and click game. The puzzles are easy, if you take your time and think. Looking forward to the next episode. Grandpa was the best, but now I am the best scout around.

The medal works, and I earned it.

This is a short demo point and click game. The jokes were funny and not over used. It will be much better once it is finished. It feels incomplete at the moment.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

This is a nice version of a CIV knockoff. The strategy was made easier and less to worry about. It works well if you were curious about the CIV games. There is a major food issue in this game. After a certain age, your food will always be zero. That really hurts the fun, and makes it more difficult. Correct the food bug and this game really improve.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

The Graphics are bright and cheerful. Being able to remove objects that don't match is a great feature. It is fun to analyze all the clues and than solve the puzzles. If you have the skill you can zoom through most of the levels. Is there a save feature? If not, you should really add one.

The Graphics seemed much different than most escape games. In a point and click game you should be able to click on everything. Every item should be able to be picked up or looked at, even if it is not useful. The lock picking was a nice time.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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