
7,724 Game Reviews

620 w/ Responses

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The Graphics seemed much different than most escape games. In a point and click game you should be able to click on everything. Every item should be able to be picked up or looked at, even if it is not useful. The lock picking was a nice time.

The graphics are a mixture of retro and pixel. There was no lag or issues with the controls. Once you get the feel for destroying the cubes, the game starts to really be fun. Great job.

This is a basic run and gun style shooting game. There should be an option to change the controls. The comments should be in English, so they can be understood.

This is an average game that is really hurt by the high difficulty. It is challenging enough shaking your mouse around quickly, and the Delay penalty should really be removed. Making the game easier would make it more fun and enjoyable.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

The graphics are detailed and you can tell everything apart. The Lighting and the windy fog was a nice touch. The music fits well with all the action. There should be an option to change the controls. It lagged in places, and that should be removed.

This is one of the first Twitter simulation games that I have ever played. It took a few tries to figure out which tweets were the best ones. The ending could of used some pictures and animation.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

ninjamuffin99 responds:

all of my tweets are bad tweets btw

The combination of two different game styles into one flash was an interesting idea. The controls worked well and there was no lag at all. The graphics could of been better, but this game is all about the action.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

The graphics look great and have plenty of detail. No issue with the controls at all. The animation is crisp and smooth. There could be more action and goals to accomplish. This is good for a casual game about eating flies. Nice work.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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