
7,723 Game Reviews

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This is a good run and gun game. You have to be fast and have perfect aim to make it all the way to the end. The different musical tracks are awesome, and really the best part this game. A great Pico Day 2018 submission.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

This is similar to your other cards games, but not as fun. Your strategy games work better as warfare than trying to stop global warning. Better luck next time.

This reminds me of a NES game, it is simple but still enjoyable. Good work with the different colors, and the graphics are just large enough to make out details. It was interesting to watch the lines flash as you pressed a movement key.

This is a fun stick figure runner and have to change the color game. The graphics are clear and you can tell everything apart. It could use new challenges and goals to help it stand out from similar games. Nice job.

E-BurgerGames responds:

Thank you so much, i promise you the next update will be definitely more interesting with more action included in the game, i really appreciate your review that help me a lot to know how i can approve the game.
regards! <3

The black and white colors are okay, but there should be much more details on the characters. Animation is nice and no lag at all. There is really no gameplay since the girl is invincible. It need more levels, plot, and maybe some boss characters to defeat.

MS Paint graphics is never a good idea. There should be more goals to achieve and actions to perform. You should include more music choices and sound effects. This game feels unfinished.

DaRealFM2 responds:

Of course. This chapter is pretty much a demo, but I need time to update this with Chapter 2's release. Please PM me about some ideas for actions and goals you have.

Graphics are average, but the animation needs work. Jumping is the major flaw in this game, and ruins the gameplay. Make the animation smoother, correct the jumping mechanic, and polishing it up to fix this game.

The graphics are really good with the different goblins and the phone. It took a few seconds to figure it out, but it was fun. Would of been better if you were shooting something more damaging than kisses.

The medal works, and I earned it.

This is a basic, but fun game. The challenge can be tricky, but it keeps you going until you finish all the levels. Adding music and more sounds effects would be an great idea.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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