
7,724 Game Reviews

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Lord of the Stars combines action and RPG mechanics. Your upgrades for leveling up seems too limited. Also, why can't you increase your max health? It should either raise by gaining levels, or make a constitution stat. With more stats, way to increase health, and sharper graphics this game could become Top Notch.

This is a basic game that is really short. The biggest issue is that some players might find it too hard to complete. You should add powerups to improve the gameplay.

Here is another game that I played when it was first released. I made it all the through every mission. If you included more upgrades, weapons, and magic spells, this would improve.

Here we have a flash all about a duck having an adventure. Graphics could use more attention to detail and could be fancier. Gameplay started to breakdown due to bugs. If you invested more time into this game it could improve.

Graphics look nice and you can tell everything apart. You should offer a way to remap the controls. I found this game to be very easy. You should offer several difficulty levels from Easy to Very hard.

I remember playing this game when it first came. It was fun, and I made it all the way to the end. If you are a fan of WoW, you should definitely play this game.

This is a game meant for children, and it is okay. Graphics are the best part of the flash. There should be more areas to explore and goals to accomplish.

This is a game about a frog running around. Graphics could look much better. I found the gameplay to be easy and made it to the end rather quickly. You could offer a way to unlock different creatures than the original frog.

A dress up game that suffers from the same issues as many others. Most people on NewGrounds want to see a cute anime girl, you did not provide one. There are not enough props choices. If you could animate your creation, that would be something new.

An excellent idea but it is lacking in the execution. This is not really a game just a very specific gadget. It translates English to Leet but it cannot translate back perfectly. It is a mini game at best.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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