
7,723 Game Reviews

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A basic game that needs extra work. Graphics are very low quality. They need more attention to detail and color, plus add something to the bare backgrounds.

Another imitation of the classic Whack-A-Mole flash. You should speed up the Mallet animation. There is nothing new or original here at all. It is very repetitive and has no real ending.

Pummeling people with water balloons is a nice idea for a flash. This is a simple little game. If you added more projectiles, power ups, and other upgrades this game could become Top Notch.

Changing the size of the screen is always a terrible idea. You should return it to the standard size. Graphics need more attention to detail. The gameplay should be longer and have much more content.

Graphics had a tight theme and the animation was decent. The mini games were okay, but it would of been nice to see them all combined together.

Here we have a combination of three game show type flashes into one combination. Graphics were low quality, and the animation could be smoother. You should be able to use your points to purchase unlockables.

Your concept is high, but your execution is low. The graphics could have more attention to detail. This is not actually a sniper game. You do some training, but there is not a decent ending.

You gave us a test, so I will count it as a demo. It is a simple little game with okay controls. If you added a double jump, that would be the a nice improvement. Next time, submit a finished game.

As a dress up flash, this is too basic. The arrows do not work well, it would work better with a point and click control. If you added a way to animate your creation, that would be a huge improvement.

This is more of a joke than a serious flash. If the joke was funny than it could carry a game, but the humor was lacking. If you took your time and out more effort in, this game could be much better.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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