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Graphics have an unique style that really stick out. The gameplay is average and has so much room to improve. New weapons, attacks, upgrades, and goals to accomplish.

Here we have yet another soundboard flash, this one is about Anchorman. You need to have many more clips and work on the sound quality. If you included some animation that would be a great improvement.

Beer Pong brough into the world of Flash. It is a basic game that really has no goal. There should be levels and an excellent ending once you finish it.

There was a trend of trying to make a flash that was a movie, but barely passed as a game. This reminds of that style. With more content, attacks, and upgrades, this could improve.

You can tell that this was a school assignment by the focus on education. You should add more content, so it feels more like a game instead of a movie. Your narration needs to be clearer.

This game is all about killing fish. You should have more weapon choices and upgrades. Variety will help this game stay fresh longer, since all you do is kill fish.

Here we have another flash that is just a demo. Graphics are sprites, so no credit for them. Gameplay get boring quickly, you should include a change of weapons and power ups.

I have seen other flashes with this concept, and this one is average overall. It is more of a movie and would need content and goals to accomplish to be considered a game. There were a few glitches that need to be removed.

This was more of a quiz than a tutorial flash. The anime questions were easy, but there was only a few of them. You should have more questions, and plenty more hot babes. That would help this game become Top Notch.

I think this is one of the first dirt bike flashes that I have seen on NewGrounds. Graphics need more attention to detail and color. The moves were okay, but you really need to include more of them.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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