
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Connecting all the pipes is an idea that has been done before. The graphics are average and could be flashier. Gameplay gets repetitive after a few levels.

The Snorks was a silly show from back in the 80s. This coloring game reminds me of a dress up game. You should of added multiple props and a way to animate your creation.

This is a parody of most flash games. There is no way to win, and you always die after a few seconds. Insulting your audience in the Author Comments is just wrong.

Next time, submit a real game that you can actually play and win.

Having a portfolio is nice, but it would of worked much better as a film. As a game, there isn't much to do, or a good reason to do it. There should be solid gameplay, and a solid plot.

Graphics could use more attention to detail. The challenge level is so easy. This is one of those flashes that you can play until you get bored and quit. Your score should be used to purchase unlockables.

My finally score was 1750.

You can definitely tell that this was a school assignment. It is too much reading, and not enough action. If you made this a full animation and added sound, then this could become Top Notch.

You shoot baddies over and over trying to raise your points. This game really need more weapons. You could use your points to purchase upgrades. That could increase the replay factor.

Here we have two minigame choices brought together. They are both puzzles where you have to search for differences. It has some bugs as well. Fix the bugs, and make an excellent ending once you have completed both puzzles.

Here we have a simple little game all about a Fuzzball. A few bad things happen to him and then it ends too quickly. If you added more comedy, and more areas to explore, the game could improve.

The story of Faro is very interesting and could provide some insight into the Old West. This flash is average, but it could use more content. It currently feels like a mini game instead of a flushed out entire video game.

This game was made 6/9/04, and I was the ninth person to vote on it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


Joined on 10/20/04

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