
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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You made the screen smaller for some reason, you need to return the screen to the standard size. You are a beach ball that catches parts of a gaming collection. The music was not good, and you should offer different musical selections.

There should be more than just one good ending. If you are going to offer nudity than you should deliver it. I made it all the way to the end. The final ending should have been more exciting.

You should offer different challenge levels for novice, normal, and hard difficulties. If you included some unlocks you might be able to increase your replay factor. This beta might be better once completed.

Your intro looked decent and had a little humor. The actual game needs better art and lacks backgrounds. Spend more time on your graphics, add more humor and tons of action to improve.

Here we have a basic game that is just too basic. Graphics need to be more detailed and flashier. Hit detection should be more accurate and you should have a large selection of guns.

I can see this being a mini game within a Soccer game. There are only three buttons that you can press. You need more actions that you can perform, and more ways to perform them. Including the entire Soccer game would be an improvement.

Graphics are definitely the best part of this flash. The three different programs combined into one overall game is a nice idea. If you added more to do and explore, that would help the replay factor.

Text adventures were big time back in the early 1980's. Having many different choices helps you keep the player engaged. If you added more graphics and animation, this could be Top Notch.

A bad breakup that is presented as an interactive movie. The gameplay was too low. You should add much more content and goals to accomplish. That would help this flash to improve.

Here is a flash that just screams not completed. The graphics need work and polish. There is no plot and zero replay factor. This demo might be better if you work on it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


Joined on 10/20/04

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