
7,723 Game Reviews

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Whack a Mole is a classic Arcade game that is fun to play. This flash version is barely even a flash, it is mostly a demo. Spend more time on your graphics, the hit detection, animation, and the fun factor.

Zapp Brannigan is a great character with many famous sayings. You could always add more sound clips to any sound board. If you added pictures and maybe some animations this could become Top Notch.

This is the flash version of the classic game show Name That Tune. This is a game all about songs, but there was not enough musical choices. The game needs many more song choices, and the host needs to some more like a human.

This is less of a basketball game, and more of a slam dunking game. If you can time your accuracy this flash becomes quite easy. This could work well as part of an entire basketball game.

Tetris is a classic game that has a been a hit since being on the Gameboy in 1989. There should be a tutorial that better explains the game controls. That would be a helpful feature.

We have a very short game that can be completed in five seconds. You should never brag about how quickly you make a flash. This feels like a demo at best. Next time, only submit a completed game.

You have a few episodes in your Musical Collection series, and this one is about the same as the rest. The sound quality has been lowered to allow multiple clips in the same game. You should add some unique to help this stand out from all of the others.

Here we have a basic Sonic the Hedgehog quiz. I found the questions to be easy, and I answered them all correctly. The ending could have been fancier and more exciting for the winner.

A very basic soundboard with an unclear title. In your title you want explain your concept and why people would want to check it out. If you added more sound clips, some pictures, and maybe even some animation this could be much better.

In the beginning of flash, people used to use scripts from flashkit. This game is an example of that practice. There is nothing really new or original here at all. Next time, try to submit an original idea.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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