
7,724 Game Reviews

620 w/ Responses

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In the beginning of flash, people used to use scripts from flashkit. This game is an example of that practice. There is nothing really new or original here at all. Next time, try to submit an original idea.

Your animation is just off, and you end up walking backwards. That really throws off your graphics and art style. Gameplay is hurt by bugs. If you corrected your animation and removed the bugs this game would be improved.

This game was made 8/29/04, and I am the tenth person to vote on it.

This flash has nice graphics from the front to the background. The gameplay has some bugs and there was slowdown as well. If you removed the bugs and lag this game could be Top Notch.

This is just another dress up game, and really has nothing to with killing crappy flashes. You should let the audience know what to expect, or they will feel let down. You made the classic mistake of not including a cute anime girl in a dress up game. If you added more props this could be better.

The age of 8 bit games was amazing, and making a tribute to them is always a good idea. Graphics and the animation are both decent enough. Gameplay experiences slow down and that is where things go wrong. Remove the lag and this game would be improved.

You are great at drawing and graphical art. This tutorial seems to be aimed at an advanced user. If you added more tricks and ways for a novice to start, that would be more helpful.

You took the classic game Space Invaders and combined some Star Wars flavor. Your graphics looks nice, but that's the best part of this flash. You should of added something new and exciting.

Sometimes it is safe to go basic, but this flash is just too basic. This game is so empty it just feels like a demo. It might be much better once totally finished.

I can see some improvements from your original Bouncy The Ball flash. This still has glitches, if you removed those bugs this game could become Top Notch.

King of the Hill is an amazing TV show. Your soundboard should have clips that have much clearer sound. Including a mute button would be helpful.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


Joined on 10/20/04

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