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Dress up games are all about a cute anime girl that you can make look sexy or nude. This game does offer her nude, if you know the right way to accomplish it. Tammy should look much sexier.

The screen was reduced, that never works out well. Return the screen to the regular size. The controls should be easier to use, that can hamper gameplay. You should also include some amazing sound effects.

You should explain what TTA is in your Author Comments. This is a flash version of TTA, so you can't expect the entire game. The gameplay was decent, but I did experience some lag. Lag can ruin anything, so it needs to be removed.

I understand that is this is a demo. The peasants get confused easily, that can really mess up your ability to build a new structure. I build a barracks and the peasant walked around in a circle instead of finishing it. The Orcs come into your area very quickly. You could tone down the Orcs numbers advantage and give the humans at least one troop to protect them from peon raids.

This entire flash is so rushed that it feels like a demo. You should take your time and create good graphics and try to make your animations smooth. I would suggest spending at least a week on your next submission.

This is a game about different heads and different bodies. That is the entire joke of the game. If you enjoy putting different heads on different bodies than this might be the game for you.

This is a fighter versus fighter flash game. If you included more fighters to pick from, more moves, more special moves, and special ending screens for each fighter, than this game would be on its way to becoming top notch.

You should zoom in on the screen, that will make it easier to see the action. Stick men are the lowest form of graphics, you should flesh them out. With some more polish this game could be Top notch.

This is a simple flash game. The gameplay works but it is simple. I would suggest adding awesome music and sound effects. Everybody loves power ups and different skill choices.

This is another imitation of the original Space Invaders. If you are going to keep ripping off a classic, you need to make something special to make it unique. There is slowdown in this flash and it needs to be removed.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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