
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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This is okay for your first Dress up type game. The different cars are nice, but you need many more choices. You also need goals to achieve to increase replay factor.

This is just a Game Engine, so this flash will be treated as a demo. You have the start to a platformer, but it needs much more work. Polish up your graphics and add something to make the player want to keep playing.

This is a beta, so you can't expect too much from it. You should make a plot, so players want to advance the story and see the ending. You should make the combat more skill and less random based. The finished version could be Top notch.

This is an average game all about getting the highest percentage. Nothing new or exciting going on in this flash. My score was 99.85%. You should be able to unlock something with your high score.

All games need a story or a plot, but this game does not have one. Including instructions on how to perform everything would be quite useful. Polish up your graphics and this game could become Top notch.

I can see that you are getting better as you make more flashes. However, this one was definitely a setback. The comedy was not funny. It would be more interesting to see animations instead of just pressing Next day.

This game is almost entirely made from flashkit. That lowers your points from graphics and originality. Next time, use an original idea and create your own graphics.

This is a basic Christmas game that has no instructions. You just try your best and throw things everywhere until it's over. If you added instructions, the gameplay would be easier.

This game promises Trippy Shit but does not deliver. Where is all of the Trippy stuff? I did experience slowdown during the gameplay. You should remove the lag right away.

This game has potential, but it has low quality graphics. Polish up those graphics, so people want to play. You should translate all words into English, so we can understand them. By the way, I reviewed this for the first time in ten years. Hi, Ericho.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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