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I will never understand why people shrink the screen. I do not believe that anybody wants a smaller screen. Just keep it the standard size. This is a black and white version of the first level of Space Invaders. It needs to have the regular colors and more than just the first level.

This dress up game starts off with a nude woman. You cut all the red tape and gave the audience what they want. You could include many more props.

This is a point and click adventure game where you have to find items and solve puzzles. It is fun, and not that difficult. It could have a better ending scene.

This is an average imitation of the classic Snake game. There is nothing new or original in this flash.

When you make a dress up game you need at least one anime girl. When you only use a dude, people will be disappointed. You need to have more props, since props are the only thing to do in a dress up game.

This is a imitation of the NES classic Blast Master for flash. The graphics look nice, and the animation is smooth. This test is too short and needs to be much longer. This will be much better once the final game is finished.

This is a very short demo about hacking. It needs more chances to hack, graphics and animation scenes, and it also needs a good plot. Including music would be helpful.

Stick Figures are always the lowest form of graphics. You should flesh out the characters and attention to detail. The controls can be confusing at first, but I mastered them after a few minutes. Michael Jackson humor will always be funny.

This has been inspired by the NES classic Mike Tyson's Punch Out, but they added a Pikey twist. The challenge level was low for me, and I made it to the end. This game needs a victory scene after you beat each fighting. It also needs a final ending scene.

This is the old school game Hangman, but now in flash form. The only graphics are the face when you make a mistake. There was no animation at all. You should really add some quality music.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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