
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Pooky is Garfield's stuffed bear, so I was disappointed with nothing Garfield related. This seems awfully close to the Dead Baby Dress up series. Your number of props is so limited. You really need many more props.

This is your typical dress up game, but you have made a classic mistake. You did not include and girl, especially not a cute anime girl. Most users on NewGrounds only play a dress up game for the girl. If you added that anime girl, that would be an improvement. You already acknowledged that you need more props.

This is an average avoider game that can be fun to play. However, it feels like this game is just a giant advertisement for your website. You have your website in your game and in the Author's Comments. It makes you seem desperate for web traffic. You should also include music and sound effects.

I just played a game that was exactly like this named Tactical Ops Training. This game still has the small enemies that are hard to shoot. Only being able to use one guy is still a flaw. It did seem you added more health and armor power ups in this version.

I can see that this was inspired by the NES classic Mike Tyson's Punch Out. You should have more choices of punches like left and right side attacks, and an uppercut. Having other boxing opponents would being a great improvement. When you tell people that you are 13, most will not go easy on you.

It was one of the shortest games that I have even seen on NewGrounds. You have to make your flashes much longer. You need to include different enemy types that each have various actions. Including power ups would be a nice addition.

The terrorists could be a little bigger, so you could hit them easier. Adding challenge levels would be a nice touch. You should be able to use your score to purchase better weapons and armor.

I understand that this is just the first level of your upcoming game, but it feels more like a demo than a completed flash. Graphics had issues, there was almost no action, and it was too short. Next time, just submit a completed game.

This dating simulation all comes down to one major joke. If you included different dialogue choice that that you be helpful.

This is a simple number clicker game, if you can count than you are good. There should be more to do to help this game improve.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


Joined on 10/20/04

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