
7,723 Game Reviews

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This is a sequel of your first Breakdown game, which is an imitation of the classic arcade game. Gameplay is okay, but glitches are ruining the experience. If you removed those bugs, this game would be much better.

This is a poor imitation of the classic phone game Snake. The graphics are poor, they need more time and defiantly more polish. Currently, this is an unfinished demo at best.

This is an imitation of the Tv Show Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Graphics are decent but could use more polish. No matter how high you score, it always says that you saved zero lives. I did win the 1 million dollar prize.

The graphics work well enough to tell the cars apart. Controls are sticky and can give you issues. You mentioned NOS in the Author Comments and I do agree that it would be a good improvement.

Graphics look the same and so does the animation. The gameplay is a slower in this version, but the rest of it remains unchanged. You should add something creative when making a sequel to any game.

This is one of the first card making flash games that I have ever seen. You should warn people that the card will say Clock Crew on it. The card would work better if you included some graphics instead of just text.

This feels more like a paint program than a graffiti program. You would need to change up the gameplay and the functions to make this an actual graffiti game. I also had a few bugs of paint not being removed with the reset button.

The graphics are basic with only black and white tones. You should add vivid colors and flashy effects. Game will not start, you have to right click just to make the game work. This really needs to be corrected.

This is a very poor quality imitation of Pong. I have had several bugs while hitting the ball, the worst being when it gets stuck in the corner. You should add upgrades or a certain number to obtain to accomplish a goal.

Graphics have the outer space vibe but could always be polished up. The controls are okay, but the ability to remap the controls could be helpful. The gameplay is fun, and you can play as long as you like.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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