
7,723 Game Reviews

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The graphics are the best part, but they could use more polish. The gun does not always work when you shoot it. You should develop different levels and make a score feature. This is just a demo in its current state.

Graphics are okay but could use lots or more work. There should be a way to use new weapons and some general upgrades. This is just a demo, it could be better when finished.

The graphics are nice, but there is no animation at all. This is just a basic dress up game. If you included more props, and a way to animation your creation this would be improved.

This looks just like the English version of this game. It still needs more content and less button pressing. The Spanish version will confuse and annoy native English speakers.

Graphics are nice, but there should have been more animation. Having to press the button so often gets annoying after a while. You should include more action and adventure.

The graphics are colorful, and you have a very large selection on the golf clubs. Once you make a few shots you can figure out the physics. If you added a better ending it might encourage players to play until the end.

Graphics are rough, they need polish and more work. The time limit is a bad idea, and when time is over you get no warning. I was still trying to attack the cars, then I figured out the time was up.

The graphics are basic, and there is no animation at all. If you used some colorful graphics and animation, it would look much better. The tutorial itself is flawed but does offer some help to a newbie.

There was a tiny bit of animation, and almost no graphics. Adding more animation and flashy graphics would be helpful. It did present the tutorial well. You should really spell check your work, there were several misspellings.

Graphics are basic, they need more work and polish. There is only one level, so you need more of them. You forgot the upgrades. This is just a demo.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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