
7,723 Game Reviews

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This is based on the Metal Slug arcade game. You can walk off the screen int the darkness. This is a demo at best. Next try only summit a finished project.

This is a simple gun shooting target game, but it is just too simple. It needs more weapon choices, upgrades, and more than just this room. With work it could be a much better game.

The graphics have that cartoon look to them. This is a little game with some issues. It can be way too easy to die by falling into the oil. On the easiest mode, you should be able to avoid the game to help the player figure out the gameplay.

This is okay for an Electric Guitar flash game, but it needs to finished. This is just a demo. You should always submit completed games to the portal.

The graphics are decent but could use more work and polish. I made it all the way to the end, and there was no true ending. Are you trying to set this up as a series of games? If you added some more weapons and content to explore there would be improvement.

Mr. T is the man, but this game just a demo. There are not enough props for this to be a regular game. Add at least 30 props at minimum and polish up those graphics. Mr. T says, " I pity the Fool. " Don't be a fool.

This entire game is just too small to see. Making a banner sized game was a terrible idea. From now on, only create games that are the normal size.

You told us in your Author Comments to vote X or zero on this submission. This is now the same as the original. Next time, try to make each game you create new and original.

The graphics are very detailed, but they could be larger. The controls are tricky at times. If you included difficulty levels, that would make the gameplay easier for most players.

The graphics were the best part of this flash. The controls were probably the worst part. You should correct the controls right away. If you added some power ups or weapons to improve the violence, then this game would really be improved.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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