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This is a basic version of a virtual drum kit. It works well enough, but the gameplay could use more work. If it went faster and included animation, then there would be improvement.

This flash is all about the graphics and looking good. Dressing up the Greek Hoplite soldier is okay, but there should be many more prop choices. If you could add a picture or animation feature, that would be amazing.

This is just another remake of the same driving game. The drunk driving concept really adds nothing at all. You should just focus on trying to make a driving game with more car choices, and more content to explore.

The graphics are decent, but they could use more polish. The controls need a way to be altered, to allow other controls than just the mouse. If you include some power ups than that could be a way to improve.

The graphics are the best part of this game. The main issue is what does the player do to continue the plot. You really need to include a guide, or a compass to help the player continue in the right direction.

Graphics are okay and everything starts out well. Gameplay was going nicely, but then it ends for no reason. That alone is just annoying. Correct the bug and this game could really improve.

The graphics are not the main part of this quiz show. This is more of a comedy skit, than an actually serious game. It would be nice to see an updated version every few years.

Graphics are just one picture of Homer and has zero animation. This is okay for your first sound board. It could use many more sound clips to help it improve.

The graphics colorful, especially the background. The animation is average, and really needs much more of it. You could add more content to help stretch out your story. If you added an option that translated everything into English, that would be an improvement.

First, this game is just another demo. You should only submit completed submissions. Second, putting the link to your website is just considered poor taste. Lastly, you should use a beta tester to double check your gameplay and spelling.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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