
7,723 Game Reviews

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The graphics are okay but need more polish. Controlling should be improved, and gameplay is lacking. The ability to kill nearby people is in an interesting idea. This could be much better once it is finished.

Graphics are poor and need plenty of work. This would work much better with gameplay and a story. You are presenting this as homework, we have to pick your new character. The last thing players need is more work.

The graphics are the normal Clock Crew style. Point and click style can always work well. The best part of this game is shooting them. This is only a demo, just imagine how good this game would be if completed.

Graphics are much better on the Dress up game than the Whack a nerd game. Having the two different games, actually seems to be a bad thing. If you would have concentrated on just one of them, you could have improved it. It currently just feels unpolished and unfinished.

The graphics are just words, so that is disappointing. Controls are just point and click, which is hard to mess up. I finished the game, and it was short. This entire game feels more like a demo.

The graphics are fine, with the pig being the best part. I would suggest the game to be larger, so it's easier to see. The fast speed can mess up starting players. Not bad for another version of pong.

The graphics are good and has attention to details on the two lovers. It can end so quickly as you just go across one room. If you added more levels and content, there gameplay and replay factors would increase.

Graphics are a few pictures from the movie. It would be nice to see some animation. There is a nice number of sounds, and it does provide some bizarre content.

Stick fingers are the lowest level of graphics. This is another game where you can die in the first seconds if you don't know what you are doing. Once this game is completed, it will probably improve.

The graphics are decent enough, but the animation could be smoother. This game is very short, I earned five points and it ended. The ability to replay to score more points is a good idea, if only there was something to purchase with your score.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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