
7,723 Game Reviews

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Graphics were decent enough, with the best attention to detail on the monster himself. His voice was spot on which helped the overall performance. Having the map was helpful, but it would be nice if the travel was not so streamlined. Why would XwaynecoltX break into your account? Seems like a bad attempt at a joke.

This is a lesser version of the Gameboy classic Tetris. Your English skills could use some polishing. This is not an original idea by any means. Why did you remove the sound and sound effetcs?

You took Tetris and made it worse. The controls feel off, and the speed starts off way too fast. Removing the music was a poor choice. You need music and sound effects while playing Tetris.

The idea of shooting a Catus in interesting. Are they evil, or just too many of the around town? This is just a demo, so the world may never know.

Star Wars has always been awesome since the beginning. Who wouldn't want to use a light saber and force powers? This is just a demo, so it is not as good as a completed game. Sounds would be an improvement.

The graphics are colorful and vivid, especially with all the blood squirting after an attack. Adding music has helped this game be better than the first version. Watch out when trying to be a Shark hunter.

There is nothing better than killing something very annoying like mosquitoes. If only it was this easy in real life. The game is fun and has a nice replay factor. Mosquitoes have to the worst bug around.

This is the fun bonus game from Shinobi in the Arcades. It brings back memories of putting tokens machines and playing late Saturday nights at different arcades. Good times.

This is one of my favorite games from way back in 2002. The graphics are okay, but they are not really the main focus. This game is all about the gameplay. How far can you get? The replay factor is very high as well.

This is a kill the Alien game. The white background really sticks out like a sore thumb. If you colored it in, the game would look more professional. Eight different props are nice, but you can always include more to make the gameplay last longer.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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