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This is one of better stickman point and click adventures games. the graphics are not the best, but this game is all about making it to the end. The challenge is tough, but fair. If you spend enough time, you might just be able to make it all the way. I was happy to be able to complete it all.

This is just a test, not even a demo. Will have to see if your skills have improved since you made this test game.

This is simple little Snowman dress up game. Graphics were clear and nice attention to detail. Including a Gameboy was a nice touch. I also enjoyed the hidden Easter Egg. Top notch job.

Calling this the 2 version is not correct, it is maybe the 1.2 version. Graphics are still poor, and the gameplay is just as boring. This demo is just as weak as the first one.

Graphics are poor, and the gameplay is not fun. There is almost no challenge to this game at all. This is a weak demo.

This is a standard run of the mill celebrity killing game with average graphics. Gilbert Gottfried is a funny guy, and not really that annoying. I suppose killing his evil clones makes more sense. The humor aspect could be improved.

Graphics are done in the classic Lego style. It took me some time, but I was able to make myself. The biggest thing missing is a way to save a picture. Adding music and sound effects would really been a way to improve.

The cars were from Grand Theft Auto, you should really create your own sprites and Graphics. Controls felt lose and should be tighter. This does not feel like a complete game, it is pretty much a demo.

The graphics are poor, and the players are very tiny for no reason. Your players need to be much larger. You should include a way to earn money for goals and wins, then you could purchase upgrades or better players.

Graphics are colorful and good use of several items for Osama to hide. It can take a few seconds to master the exact way to shoot that no good Osama. Having different difficulties could make this game appeal to a larger audience.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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