
7,723 Game Reviews

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The graphics are average, but you can tell everything apart. Following the plot was simple, but enjoyable once you start completing those objectives. By the way, Bill and Ted was a movie series with three episodes. They are somewhat screw ups that like to play music poorly. I can say without a doubt, no similarities with this game.

I have played many dress up games over the years, and this has to be one of the worst ones. The green graphics and red text are not pleasant. There should be more props to use.

Graphics are actually excellent for way back in 2000. Point and click shooting will always be easier to use. If you added more weapons, it would give us different animations to check out.

I have played the other episode, and this part one of the series needs work. Graphics are basic and could use more polish. The length of the game is still too short. The difficulty is easy enough to get to the ending.

You admitted in the author Comments that this was a poor attempt, and you were correct. Graphics are subpar and the animation needs to be slicker. Your gun should do more damage and stun the bad guys. Being touched once should not kill you.

I think most people like dogs, and they have an amazing sense of smell. However, having to smell dog turds is not fun. Very low humor and not many things to do as well. If you added more content and different things to sniff, it would be an improvement.

This game really reminds me of another Mahjong game. These graphics are exactly borrowed, and sounds are point for point used from a different game. You also state that you are not sure who made this game. Very disappointed that this game was not original.

Your graphics are better and even your animation look smoother. The controls felt off, so that needs to be corrected. If you added more decorations the game would look much better. It needs trees or maybe some viewers standing by the road.

Basic graphics in this flying game. I mastered the controls quickly, and then the game was very easy. It was fun for what it is, but it is quite limited. Once it becomes a finished game, hopefully it will improve.

The graphics on the Man Rat are excellent, especially the attention to detail. You have provided quite a selection of prop choices. This came out well for your first game in this series. If only you could save a picture once, you finished your creation.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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