I can see some slight improvements from your last car dress up game. Graphics look more impressive, and you have included much more props. You should have a way to test drive your final creation.
I can see some slight improvements from your last car dress up game. Graphics look more impressive, and you have included much more props. You should have a way to test drive your final creation.
Graphics are not impressive, and there is no animation at all. Only a few props in this car dress up game. This is just a demo. It could improve once you have a finished game.
The Graphics are wonderful in each of the scenes. Aliens and Sci-fi are both very interesting topics for any game. The music and sound effects both added to the overall creepy effect.
Graphics have that Japanese feel and helps you to do your Samurai job. Controls only took me a few seconds to master. Difficulty becomes easier once you put the time in to learn your skills. However, this is just a demo, so it loses points.
This was one of the better golfing games that came to NewGrounds in 2001. Another classic game that I played before making my iconic current account. I have played this game all the way through several times. I got a score of 51.
Graphics are the more real-life style instead of pixel art, which is always a nice change up. Point and click controls have no issues. Gameplay is all about remembering which thing goes were. If you are quick enough, you can hide them all.
Combat Instinct 3 was one of the first major games that I ever played on NewGrounds. Way back in the day before making my current account. The Graphics were excellent for a flash game. The action still holds up to today over 20 years later. I am glad that I finally had the chance to revisit and replay it again.
Doom is a classic computer game from the back in the good old days. Your animated version is creative and interesting. Your descriptions of things are nice, and you can tell that you put some real effort into this game. Top notch job.
Graphics were decent enough, with the best attention to detail on the monster himself. His voice was spot on which helped the overall performance. Having the map was helpful, but it would be nice if the travel was not so streamlined. Why would XwaynecoltX break into your account? Seems like a bad attempt at a joke.
This is a lesser version of the Gameboy classic Tetris. Your English skills could use some polishing. This is not an original idea by any means. Why did you remove the sound and sound effetcs?
I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)
Age 30, Male
Joined on 10/20/04