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The interesting part about this Dead Baby game is that everything is so interactive. Graphics are maintaining your high level of quality. You are going to make your series very large with all of these episodes.

This episode has much less items than the others. This would seem to be one of your original creations. Graphics are well done and have a high level of attention to detail.

How do you make a baby dress up game better, you add wrestling props. This is way back in the day when it was WWF, it is currently WWE. Good attention to detail on the items, and the graphics are clear and crisp.

The graphics are bright and colorful, and there is a decent amount of animation. Gameplay is challenging due to the way the water comes out. If there was more water per round than it would be easier to progress farther. Adding more content would help with the replay factor.

Action Dude is trying to kill all the bad guys in this shooting game. Graphics are basic, and the bad guys are wearing all black. The grenade is green, so it sticks out, but the explosion is too small. If you included a way to use your score to unlock upgrades, that would be an improvement.

Sloth was never a bad guy he was just misunderstood. He doesn't really deserve to be tortured. Graphics are decent enough in this game. Adding more choices would be an improvement, maybe even an option to let him go free.

Back in the early 2000s, injuring and killing celebrities was all the rave. This game is a perfect example. Osama was the biggest villain around after 9/11. This is a fun way to get some payback on him. Having more weapons would help this game improve.

The graphics give off that one lone guy versus the world vibe. Controls felt off, adding the option to change them would be helpful. Being able to kill people and robots gives you some variety to enemies. The main issues are this is too short, and it's a demo. When the final game is released, it should be much better.

Graphics are so small that it seems like the fishbowl is very far away. The graphics could be larger, especially the text on the items. There should be more item choices, since that is the only actions, you can perform. You should add some music to this game.

Graphics are colorful and bright, and nice attention to detail on the fox. No issues with the controls at all. The biggest problem with this game is the lack of sound and music. If you add some music and sound effects, it will really improve.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


Joined on 10/20/04

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