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The Graphics are decent, and you can tell everything apart. Controls took a second to master, if you allow people to change controls that would be helpful. You should really add sound and some sound effects. This is just a demo at the end of the day. It should improve once it is a completed game.

Graphics are different shapes with an orange outline, but that is a minor part. A major part of this game is the music and sound quality. Making some techno music is fun and allows you to be creative. It would be nice if you could play more than one drum loop at once.

I used to play this game back in the day, and it still holds up well today. Graphics are characters from NewGrounds that need killing. The simple controls and gameplay actually help the replay of this game. It is fun to challenge yourself until you can reach you highest score. My score was 1110.

The Graphics are the best part, and it's all about the globe. You can change your clock if you would like to see a few different images. This is very basic, but it does function. If you are really into Christmas, then this might be the game for you.

Graphics look more realistic and less like pixel art. Controls are just arrows and the spacebar, but they both function without error. This is the first crab pinching people on the ass to avoid being crapped on game that I have ever seen. Your final score could be used to purchase upgrades and adding more content would be helpful.

This game is based on the Tabletop role playing game Dungeons&Dragons. The graphics are basic, but you can tell everything apart. This game needs animation on every screen, it would really be an improvement.

The graphics are the best part of this game. Gameplay is decent enough you are shooting things. The camels due have some slow down, and lag can ruin even the best game. Eliminate the lag and add more content to improve.

This takes the idea of Tetris, the original Gameboy classic, and makes it worse. Gameplay is quite slow, and it's hard to rotate the falling blocks. Also, what is up with the telephone design?

This game delivers on its promise, you press a button to hit the monkey and the monkey dances. Nothing new or exciting at all. If Sparky had different dances, or maybe a way to dance instead of just beating him up. How about giving him a banana?

Graphics are bright and colorful. You have three different things to click, and something different happens at each one. However, there is no way to wake up Ray. This seems to be an incomplete game at best.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


Joined on 10/20/04

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