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This is a gadget that allows you to check out some Halloween art. Just point and click the arrow. There should be more things to do than just look at it. Perhaps being able to rank your favorite would make it more interactive.

Dreggsu responds:

yeah you have reason

The Pixel art graphics are very colorful. the gameplay is challenging, but also somewhat creative. There is a high replay factor in this game. Nice job for a game made in 72 hours for a Ludum Dare 49 submission.

Graphics are pixel art which seems to be the standard for games these days. You have to maintain and explore the ship all while trying to escape. This is top notch for a Ludum Dare 49 submission.

Graphics are okay, but could use more detail. This is just a simple avoider until you get killed game. Including power ups or ways to regain life would be a great idea.

Graphics are pixel art with a Halloween twist. It take a minute to get used to the critical attack style. The biggest issue I had was with the small screen size. It should really be much larger.

HatiValcoran responds:

If you think that 1.5 has a small screen size, you would had ended cross-eyed if you had played any of the previous versions.

Graphics are somewhat retro, but basically bare bones. This game is all about the bullets and the movement. The action and shooting is the best part of this game. It could use a large variety of different guns and power ups.

Graphics are colorful and easy to see. No issues with the controls at all. The difficulty curve could be tough for newer players. Veteran puzzle players should be able to handle it with ease. However, this is not the full game. There are more levels that must be purchased. I think that is a poor idea.

Graphics are Unity, so either you love or hate them I had some issues with jumping, so you should fix that right away. I like the idea od being able to play multiplayer, but the lag prevents it from happening. I had to play with bots instead. Top notch for your first game.

GlarkerGames responds:

What issues did you have with jumping? Id love to fix it. Im working on fixing the lag issues but im not in control of the servers so only so much I can do.

I have been running into a few gadgets and simulation games lately, so lets see what we have here. This game is all about dogs and if they need a pet. Most dogs are good and do need a pet. If you have a dog, or just like petting dogs, this could be the best game for you.

tscoct responds:

do you wanna play texas holdem

This is a good gadget if you already have characters to work with ahead of time. Most people do not, so that can make it not as fun. It would be nice if you added more action, having the figures fight each other. I believe that would be an excellent idea for a sequel, or a new game in the future. Let me know if you use my idea, or need a Beta Tester for that game.

Kenney responds:

That sounds like a pretty cool idea however for now I'd like to focus on tools like this, rather than games.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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